
Зарубежная деловая литература

Год выхода: 2019
Язык: pt
“O segredo de ser feliz” traz as linhas mestras referentes a várias profissões.Nelas,o leitor vai de…
“O segredo de ser feliz” traz as linhas mestras referentes a várias profissões.Nelas,o leitor vai deparar-se com os prós e contras de cada eixo profissional facilitando a compreensão por meio de exemplos.Mais do que um manual,ele é um guia de identificação profissional muito útil especialmente para os estudantes,estudiosos em geral ou aqueles que queiram tentar mudar seu perfil procurando uma nova opção do mercado de trabalho.Eu desejo a todos uma boa leitura!”
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Французский
Amazon verified review: Dans le livre « L’enfer c’est lui : Génocide économique », Jo M. Sekimonyo nous éclaire, en langage simple et éloquent, sur les écueils du capitalisme d’aujourd’hui et sur son barbarisme d’avant. Les effets de son exploit ne sont pas seulement ressentis localement, mais se déplacent vite et loin comme dans la théorie du chaos. Sauf que dans ce cas-ci, ce n’est pas un papillon qui bat de ses ailes dans un point chaud pour expédier un ouragan dans un autre. C’est fortement éducatif sans être comme un livre scolaire. September 22, 2015 Le capitalisme est une histoire d'amour qui finit mal. Que penser des stériles combats de coqs entre les diverses divinités capitalistes de notre époque ? Vous devriez être aussi révulsés que moi à la vision de ces clowneries qui empêchent tout dialogue réel sur les inégalités économiques. Le socialisme et le communisme ont échoué, mais c'est le capitalisme qui nous empêche d'avancer. Je laisse les cuistres de la caste des économistes dits sérieux à leurs débats microscopiques, pour vous inviter à un voyage à contre-courant. Les six premiers chapitres constituent un procès en bonne et due forme du statu quo capitaliste. Si vous tenez bon jusqu'au chapitre sept, préparez-vous à la grande claque de ceux qui suivent, et digérez-les bien. Ne vous inquiétez pas, je suis là pour vous guider. Le douzième et dernier chapitre conclura en essayant de rester fidèle à l'injonction de James Tobin : « En matière d'économie, les bons articles sont ceux qui surprennent et appellent à de nouveaux travaux. ».
Do we need an Economic Jihad? What can you say about the boring cock-fights between Capitalism deities of our time? You should be as disgusted as I am of these clown shows that chip away the substance of economic disparity dialogues. I have left to the class of economist sloppy cerebral sloths, to tiptoeing around of serious issues. Instead, you, the reader, and I will be swimming against the torrent current. Chapter one through six are exhibits of the case against the current status quo, Capitalism. And if I see you on the other side of chapter seven, please hold my hand tightly from chapter eight through ten. Take your time to digest chapter eleven and get yourself prepared for a big slap to your face. On the closing argument, chapter twelve follows through James Tobin's recommendation: ”Good papers in economics contain surprises and stimulate further work.” Fifty Five Shades of Political Economy…. What demon possessed me to write this book? Well after walking by, giving my spare change to people blinded and asphyxiated by misery, in every country I have been lucky or cursed to travel to, I asked myself repeatedly, what else can I do?! I was tired of capitalist guardians' buffoonery, angry of the so called Karl Mark reincarnation ineptness, and tired of waiting for a superhero. I wrote this book to awake the general public consciousness and put out there a thought provoking solution to the global socio-economic plight. Stories about inequality have been told on and on. Nevertheless, I decided to stir the debate onto a new path, let's hope that I succeed. This book is for everyone who is fed up by the status quo and has been let down by the lumpenintellectuals. Let me first reassure most people who could be intimidated to pick up my book, once they hear that it is a political economic book; it is easier to answer the question of what my book is not about. There's no math nor graphs; I left it to the economic druids the need of inflating their egos and any smart asses who bamboozle the world with crazy theories that do not stand the test of real life. My book is a case against the social economic status quo, a roller-coaster ride through a volcanic ash cloud for all of us who have been busted, bruised and despondent from the current dominant form of economy: capitalism. And then, I hold the reader's hand into the new 21st century paradigm that changes everything. And right at the end, I provide a real rabble-rousing solution. I can expect that the only challenge in this book is the new terminology and concepts that I introduce to the readers that they have to adjust to, such as Ethosism.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: tr
Jo M. Sekimonyo, ”Cehennem O'dur: Ekonomik intihar” kitabında bize, günümüz kapitalizminin tuzakları ve daha önceki barbarlığı konusunda, basit ve etkileyici bir dille yol gösteriyor. Sömürüsünün etkileri yalnızca yerel biçimde hissedilmiyor ayrıca kaos teorisindeki gibi hızlı ve geniş şekilde yayılıyor. Buradaki durumun dışında, bu sıcak bir noktada kanatlarını çırparak bir kasırgayı başından savıp diğerine tutulan bir kelebek değil. Bu akademik bir kitap olmamasına rağmen oldukça eğitici. 22 Eylül 2015 Kapitalizm, sonu kötü biten bir aşk hikayesi. Çağımızın kapitalizm tanrıları arasındaki rahatsız edici horoz dövüşü hakkında ne diyebiliriz ? Ekonomik eşitsizliklerle ilgili konuşmaların özünden giderek uzaklaşan soytarıların gösterileri sizin midenizi de benimki kadar bulandırıyor olmalı. Sosyalizm ve Komünizm başarısız oldu, ama şimdi ilerlememizi engelleyen şey Kapitalizm. Sözde ciddi iktisatçılar kastının ukalalarını mikroskobik tartışmalarına bırakıp sizi akıntıya karşı bir yolculuğa davet ediyorum. İlk altı bölüm iyi ve uygun formda bir kapitalist statüko sürecini oluşturuyor. Eğer yedinci bölüme kadar iyi durumdaysanız, arkasından gelecek olanların büyük tokadına hazırlanın ve bunları iyi hazmedin. Onunikinci ve son bölüm James Tobin'in buyruğuna sadık kalmaya çalışarak sona eriyor: « İyi ekonomi makaleleri sürprizler içerir ve başka çalışmlara sevkeder. »
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Итальянский
Abbiamo bisogno di una Jihad economica? Cosa puoi dire delle noiose battaglie tra le divinità del ca…
Abbiamo bisogno di una Jihad economica? Cosa puoi dire delle noiose battaglie tra le divinità del capitalismo del nostro tempo? Dovresti essere disgustato come lo sono io di questi spettacoli di clown che eliminano la sostanza dei dialoghi di disparità economica. Ho lasciato la classe di bradipi cerebrali sciatta di economista, per andare in giro intorno a questioni serie. Invece tu, il lettore, e io nuoteremo contro la corrente del torrente. I capitoli dal primo al sei sono esposti al caso contro lo status quo corrente, il capitalismo. E se ti vedo dall'altra parte del capitolo sette, ti prego stringimi forte la mano dal capitolo otto al dieci. Prenditi il tuo tempo per digerire il capitolo undici e prepararti per un grande schiaffo in faccia. Sulla discussione conclusiva, il capitolo dodici segue la raccomandazione di James Tobin: ”I buoni documenti in economia contengono sorprese e stimolano ulteriori lavori”. Cinquantacinque sfumature di economia politica .... Quale demone mi ha posseduto per scrivere questo libro? Be' dopo aver camminato, dando il mio ricambio alle persone accecate e asfissiate dalla miseria, in ogni paese in cui sono stato fortunato o maledetto, mi sono chiesto ripetutamente, che altro posso fare ?! Ero stanco della buffoneria dei guardiani capitalisti, arrabbiato della cosiddetta inettitudine della reincarnazione di Karl Mark, e stanco di aspettare un supereroe. Ho scritto questo libro per risvegliare la coscienza generale dell'opinione pubblica e mettere lì fuori una soluzione stimolante per la situazione socioeconomica globale. Le storie sull'ineguaglianza sono state raccontate senza sosta. Tuttavia, ho deciso di portare il dibattito su un nuovo percorso, speriamo che ci riesca. Questo libro è per tutti coloro che sono stufi dello status quo e sono stati delusi dai presunti intellettuali. Vorrei prima rassicurare la maggior parte delle persone che potrebbero essere intimidite a prendere il mio libro, una volta che hanno sentito che si tratta di un libro economico politico; è più facile rispondere alla domanda su cosa non tratta il mio libro. Non ci sono né matematica né grafici; Ho lasciato ai druidi economici la necessità di gonfiare il loro ego e qualsiasi asino intelligente che imbrogli il mondo con teorie pazzesche che non sopportano la prova della vita reale. Il mio libro è un caso contro lo status quo economico sociale, una corsa sulle montagne russe attraverso una nube di cenere vulcanica per tutti noi che siamo stati arrestati, feriti e scoraggiati dall'attuale forma dominante di economia: il capitalismo. E poi, tengo la mano del lettore nel nuovo paradigma del ventunesimo secolo che cambia tutto. E proprio alla fine, fornisco una vera soluzione che fa rabbrividire. Posso aspettarmi che l'unica sfida in questo libro sia la nuova terminologia e concetti che introduco ai lettori a cui devono adeguarsi, come l'Ethosism.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Итальянский
Venezia e il suo polo industriale. Un insediamento produttivo, tra i maggiori ì n Europa, a ridosso della città storica e di un ecosistema lagunare unico e delicatissimo: quale rischio ambientale e quale compatibilità? Venezia e il suo polo industriale. Un insediamento produttivo, tra i maggiori ì n Europa, a ridosso della città storica e di un ecosistema lagunare unico e delicatissimo: quale rischio ambientale e quale compatibilità? Porto Marghera, ovverossia il gigantismo industriale nel Veneto della piccola e diffusa impresa produttiva: quale relazione tra due morfologie produttive così diverse? Questi problemi e le lotte sindacali e politiche per gestire il cambiamento dell’ultimo trentennio, analizzati e raccontati con interviste a personalità “chiave” nelle vicende veneziane e nazionali: Gastone Angelin, Giorgio Brazzolotto, Cesco Chinello, Roberto Coin, Gianni De Michelis, Wladimiro Dorigo, Girolamo Federici, Pio Galli, Giosuè Orlando, Gianni Pellicani, Roberto Pravatà, Turiddu Pugliese, Giuseppe Rosa Salva, Luigi Ruspini, Italo Turdò, Gianmario Vianello. Uno specchio delle difficoltà a trasformare il Paese.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: es
¿Necesitamos una yihad económica? ¿Qué puedes decir de las aburridas peleas de gallos entre las deid…
¿Necesitamos una yihad económica? ¿Qué puedes decir de las aburridas peleas de gallos entre las deidades capitalistas de nuestro tiempo? Debería estar tan disgustado como yo por estos espectáculos de payasos que quitan la sustancia de los diálogos sobre la disparidad económica. He dejado a la clase de economistas perezosos, descuidados cerebrales, a andar de puntillas alrededor de temas serios. En su lugar, usted, el lector y yo estaremos nadando contra la corriente del torrente. Los capítulos uno al seis son exhibiciones del caso contra el statu quo actual, el capitalismo. Y si le veo al otro lado del capítulo siete, por favor sostenga mi mano firmemente desde el capítulo ocho hasta el diez. Tómese su tiempo para digerir el capítulo once y prepárese para una gran bofetada en su cara. Sobre el argumento final, el capítulo doce sigue a través de la recomendación de James Tobin: ”Los buenos documentos en economía contienen sorpresas y estimulan el trabajo adicional”. Cincuenta y cinco sombras de la economía política..... ¿Qué demonio me poseyó para escribir este libro? Mucho después de caminar, dando mi cambio sobrante a personas cegadas y asfixiadas por la miseria, en todos los países a los que he tenido la suerte o la maldición de viajar, me pregunté repetidamente, ¿qué más puedo hacer? Estaba cansado de las bufonadas de los guardianes capitalistas, enojado de la llamada ineptitud de la reencarnación de Karl Mark y cansado de esperar a un superhéroe. Escribí este libro para despertar la conciencia del público en general y poner ahí una solución que provocara la reflexión sobre la difícil situación socioeconómica mundial. Las historias sobre la desigualdad han sido contadas una y otra vez. Sin embargo, decidí abrir el debate por un nuevo camino, esperemos que tenga éxito. Este libro es para todos los que están hartos del statu quo y han sido defraudados por los lumpenintelectuales. Permítanme primero tranquilizar a la mayoría de las personas que podrían sentirse intimidadas para acoger mi libro, una vez que se enteren de que es un libro político-económico; es más fácil responder a la pregunta de qué es lo que mi libro no trata. No hay matemáticas ni gráficos; le dejé a los druidas económicos la necesidad de inflar sus egos y cualesquiera asnos inteligentes que embaucan al mundo con teorías locas que no resisten la prueba de la vida real. Mi libro es un caso contra el statu quo económico social, una montaña rusa a través de una nube de cenizas volcánicas para todos nosotros, que hemos sido arrestados, magullados y desanimados por la actual forma dominante de economía: el capitalismo. Y luego, tomo la mano del lector hacia el nuevo paradigma del siglo XXI que lo cambia todo. Y justo al final, ofrezco una verdadera solución que despierta a la chusma. Puedo esperar que el único desafío en este libro sea la nueva terminología y los nuevos conceptos que presento a los lectores, a los que tienen que adaptarse, como el etosismo.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Create simple, engaging, and effective outputs that actually get results Billions of corporate dolla…
Create simple, engaging, and effective outputs that actually get results Billions of corporate dollars are spent every year on initiatives to help people succeed in their job, but much of it goes to waste. Across industries, people are scrambling to find what they need to grow and improve at work, and executives are left wondering why these initiatives aren’t effective. Author Juliana Stancampiano has plumbed the depths of this massive disconnect with her team. With this book, she bridges the gap. Radical Outcomes is a blueprint for a new way of working. Instead of taking old methods and retrofitting them for new technology, Stancampiano unveils a collaborative, fast, and effective way of working that avoids randomness and organizational drag. The book offers a new way of working—the future of the way people and teams will work together. Find out how to get tangible results through a structured process Cut through noise and information overload to give people what they really need Design the right output for the right outcome Improve and succeed no matter where you are in the organization Find out how to create radical outcomes through high performing teams—and get started today.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Discover your true self and align your life journey around your core beliefs, values and perspective…
Discover your true self and align your life journey around your core beliefs, values and perspective. Designed as both a companion piece to the author's previous book, The Power of Understanding People, and a stand-alone work, The Power of Understanding Yourself provides readers with a blueprint for examining their true purpose and approach to life and a map for achieving greater personal happiness, professional success and self-awareness. It explores personal attributes related to interactive style, diving deeper into the concepts from the author's previous book, provides exercises for exploring how to connect your current life status to a desired future state and encourages readers to engage in a deep exploration of their core values, beliefs, mission and vision to become their best self. • Find the key to self-discovery and personal development • Uncover your true purpose • Use helpful exercises to reveal the best you • Develop strategies to maximize your potential The Power of Understanding Yourself is an empowering tool to help you find your best possible self and flourish.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Think your way to a more positive life Positive thinking is an approach and a set of skills that we …
Think your way to a more positive life Positive thinking is an approach and a set of skills that we can all learn. But it’s not just about how and what you think; you’ve got to do something! In a range of situations, positive thinking needs to be followed by positive action. The good news is that whatever life has thrown at you in the past and whatever is you want to achieve in the future, the Positive Thinking Pocketbook will help you think and behave more positively. Inside, you’ll find out how to use tips, techniques and advice on creating a positive mindset and developing your positive thinking. Next, you’ll find out how to apply that positive thinking to a range of potentially difficult situations. • Little approachable exercises make it easy to get started • Full of scenarios, ideas, advice, tips and techniques • Learn how to overcome negative thinking, get motivated and stay motivated • Discover how to make positive thinking a habit Whenever you want a shot of positivity, simply pick out a few ideas, tips and techniques that appeal to you and give them a try!
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Successfully cope with day-to-day problems—and find joy along the way The Business of Joy provides y…
Successfully cope with day-to-day problems—and find joy along the way The Business of Joy provides you with an abundance of practical and immediately applicable life-changing ideas and inspirational, thought-provoking, and entertaining stories and quotes—in an instant. Each chapter is designed to be read and absorbed in approximately 60 seconds, offering you “Golden Nuggets” and “Joy Gems” that will help make positive, lasting change. Inside, you get an abundance of time-tested formulas that can instantly be used to solve common and uncommon day-to-day issues. This, in and of itself, will help to better yourself today, with work and life moving at the lightning speed of thought. Find unique coping mechanisms when facing adversity Benefit from tangible, motivational, and self-management tools to forge ahead Keep perspective regardless of circumstance Build a sturdy foundation for positive culture and change With the simple information in The Business of Joy, you’ll find all the guidance you need to find positivity in your daily life.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Engage on a deeper level by disrupting the typical business development script Authentic Marketing o…
Engage on a deeper level by disrupting the typical business development script Authentic Marketing offers a forward-thinking approach to achieving an entirely new level of engagement with today’s purpose-driven and skeptical audiences. The heart of this process involves finding the soul of your organization. When moral purpose becomes central to your organization, it can deliver benefits to both the bottom line and mankind: a profit meets purpose proposition. This path requires a reinvention of today’s dated business model, abolishing the inefficient, siloed approach of developing a business strategy first and then later creating separate strategies for marketing, HR, manufacturing, R&D, etc. The new integrated model fuses a tight integration of business, technology innovation and engagement strategies, all of which are bound together by a company’s moral purpose. When moral purpose is central to an organization’s core, everything branches out from a place of authenticity. Rather than a siloed CSR effort, you develop employee and customer relationships based on real—not curated—connections with a brand’s moral mission. You build true engagement, trust and evangelism. And, along the way, your customers will actually help to co-create your brand. This book shows you how to transform your business by putting moral purpose to work for your stakeholders and the planet. Embrace a new model that integrates business, technology innovation, and engagement strategies with moral purpose as the glue that binds them together Learn the key steps to find your moral purpose Discover how to engage audiences with a transparent, authentic marketing approach that forges powerful connections and builds trust. With a world of options at their fingertips, today’s purpose-driven customers want a brand they can identify with and trust. Authentic Marketing shows you how to make your brand more human, more likeable, more genuine and guides you on how to connect with audiences on a moral level. This process will build a new level of engagement that will benefit both your long-term value and the world.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Tear down the obstacles to creative innovation in your organization Unlocking Creativity is an explo…
Tear down the obstacles to creative innovation in your organization Unlocking Creativity is an exploration of the creative process and how organizations can clear the way for innovation. In many organizations, creative individuals face stubborn resistance to new ideas. Managers and executives oftentimes reject innovation and unconventional approaches due to misplaced allegiance to the status quo. Questioning established practices or challenging prevailing sentiments is frequently met with stiff resistance. In this climate of stifled creativity and inflexible adherence to conventional wisdom, potentially game-changing ideas are dismissed outright. Senior leaders claim to value creativity, yet often lack the knowledge to provide a creative framework. Unlocking Creativity offers effective methods and real-world examples of how the most successful organizations create cultures of innovation and experimentation. Best-selling author and scholar Michael Roberto presents a thorough investigation of organizational obstacles to creative thought. Highly relevant to the growth crises many enterprises face in today’s economic landscape, this book examines how to break barriers to spark creativity and foster new ideas. This insightful and informative work allows business executives, senior managers, and organization leaders to: Recognize the six organizational mindsets that impede creativity and innovation Learn how to tear down the barriers that obstruct the creative process Create an environment that allows talented people to thrive Encourage creative collaboration in teams throughout an organization Leaders do not have to conceive innovative ideas, but rather open the path for curious and creative employees within their organization. Unlocking Creativity: How to Solve Any Problem and Make the Best Decisions aids organizations in removing obstacles to the creative process and helps to form an atmosphere of imagination and innovation.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Gain a holistic view of agricultural (re)insurance and capital market risk transfer Increasing agric…
Gain a holistic view of agricultural (re)insurance and capital market risk transfer Increasing agricultural production and food security remain key challenges for mankind. In order to meet global food demand, the Food and Agriculture Organisation estimates that production has to increase by 50% by 2050 and requires large investments. Agricultural insurance and financial instruments have been an integral part to advancing productivity and are becoming more important in increasingly globalized and specialized agricultural supply chains in the wake of potentially more frequent and severe natural disasters in today’s key producing markets. Underwriting, pricing and transferring agricultural risks is complex and requires a solid understanding of the production system, exposure, perils and the most suitable products, which vastly differ among developed and developing markets. In the last decade, new insurance schemes in emerging agricultural markets have greatly contributed to the large growth of the industry from a premium volume of US$10.1 billion (2006) to US$30.7 billion (2017). This growth is bound to continue as insurance penetration and exposure increase and new schemes are being developed. Agricultural (re)insurance has become a cornerstone of sovereign disaster risk financing frameworks. Agricultural Risk Transfer introduces the main concepts of agricultural (re)insurance and capital market risk transfer that are discussed through industry case studies. It also discusses best industry practices for all main insurance products for crop, livestock, aquaculture and forestry risks including risk assessment, underwriting, pricing, modelling and loss adjustment. Describes agricultural production risks and risk management approaches Covers risk transfer of production and financial risks through insurance and financial instruments Introduces modelling concepts for the main perils and key data sources that support risk transfer through indemnity- and index-based products Describes risk pricing and underwriting approaches for crop, livestock, aquaculture and forestry exposure in developed and developing agricultural systems Become familiar with risk transfer concepts to reinsurance and capital markets Get to know the current market landscape and main risk transfer products for individual producers, agribusinesses and governments through theory and comprehensive industry case studies Through Agricultural Risk Transfer, you’ll gain a holistic view of agricultural (re)insurance and capital market solutions which will support better underwriting, more structured product development and improved risk transfer.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Make the leap and become an entrepreneur today Are you living for the weekend? Are you dissatisfied …
Make the leap and become an entrepreneur today Are you living for the weekend? Are you dissatisfied at work? Are you itching to do something that is important to you? How can you avoid the pitfalls that many first-time entrepreneurs have fallen into? How do you explore whether entrepreneurship is right for you without giving up your day job? Employee to Entrepreneur is your guide to leaving your job behind and building something for yourself. Author and employee-turned-entrepreneur Steve Glaveski, shows you how to navigate the challenges, find the entrepreneurial success that is right for you and become a better person along the way. Employee to Entrepreneur combines storytelling with a step-by-step framework to teach you how to effectively explore and leverage entrepreneurship to gain freedom, fulfillment and financial security. understand what you want to do by first understanding yourself explore if entrepreneurship is right for you without giving up your day job avoid the common pitfalls faced by first-time entrepreneurs fund, test and prioritise your ideas in a fast and cost-effective way develop the mindset to succeed in your business. If you’re ready to leave your cushy employee life behind and build a business and a life you believe in, reading this essential guidebook is your first step to making it happen.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
The Tokens tells the fascinating story of Eric, a skilled craftsman and builder. During the course o…
The Tokens tells the fascinating story of Eric, a skilled craftsman and builder. During the course of his business journey, Eric struggles to take his burgeoning company to the next level. A chance encounter introduces him to Carl, a retired multimillionaire. Carl offers Eric the opportunity to take any material and supplies from his log cabin in exchange for demolishing the building. While working on the cabin, Eric discovers an unexpected and mystifying gift from Carl, a note and a wooden token. As his relationship with Carl evolves, Eric is faced with countless business challenges and growth. Carl becomes a close friend and indispensable mentor offering his wisdom, knowledge, and business tips (tokens). Eric applies these valuable lessons and discovers the importance of the core concepts that created success for the members of Carl's mastermind group. Along the way, Eric also learns to appreciate the insights and advice from his own grandfather. The Tokens is centered on the building and construction industry and each business lesson helps to build a foundation of success that is so vital for sustaining growth and overcoming challenges. Written by successful entrepreneurs and devout instructors of personal and professional development, The Tokens outlines the eleven points for developing and maintaining a successful building or construction business with many of the lessons applicable to any business. The authors explain how to build confidence, become a person of integrity and optimism, create successful relationships, learn to overcome obstacles, and much more. The Tokens is an informative, entertaining, and heartwarming parable that motivates, inspires, and teaches.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Who do you need around you? Networking is an essential skill; it's the key to your success. So why a…
Who do you need around you? Networking is an essential skill; it's the key to your success. So why are so many of our connections superficial and transactional? And why do they get us nowhere in our personal or professional life? Maybe because we've lost sight of the fact that it's not about the quantity of connections you make, but the quality of the relationships you build and nuture. From internationally-acclaimed entrepreneur and Fortune 500 mentor Janine Garner, It's Who You Know shows you how to build, manage and leverage your power network to create opportunities and drive success. Networking still matters, but your network matters even more. With It's Who You Know, you can learn to connect with those who will add real value to your professional and personal development. Originally published in 2017, this book has been reviewed and redesigned to become part of the Wiley Be Your Best series – aimed at helping readers acheive professional and personal success.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Product information is excessively commercial and technical. There is no single best product for all…
Product information is excessively commercial and technical. There is no single best product for all, and the price/quality ratio can be deceptive. Word of mouth is growing with opinions shared on the internet. This book calls for the reinvention of a new economy based on real requirements, not only for profit or “technology” but for qualities of use and the environment. A product’s use is its purpose. An innovation must always be an improvement to qualities of use. The emergence of new technologies, such as connected objects and the autonomous car, form a new trap for innovation, and progress has been limited to the perfection of technique. Marketing must no longer confuse the consumer (the customer) and the user. Complete with methodology for the reader to follow, this book describes how the ecology of use can become the main wealth of an economy based on quality of life and well-being.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Authors Imran Rashid and Soren Kenner have sparked an international debate by revealing the “mind ha…
Authors Imran Rashid and Soren Kenner have sparked an international debate by revealing the “mind hacks” Facebook, Apple, Google, and Instagram use to get you and your children hooked on their products. In Offline, they deliver an eye-opening research-based journey into the world of tech giants, smartphones, social engineering, and subconscious manipulation. This provocative work shows you how digital devices change individuals and communities for better and worse. A must-read if you or your kids use smartphones or tablets and spend time browsing social networks, playing online games or even just browsing sites with news and entertainment. Learn how to recognize ‘mind hacks’ and avoid the potentially disastrous side-effects of digital pollution. Unplug from the matrix. Learn digital habits that work for you.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
The first book to be published on the Theta method, outlining under what conditions the method outpe…
The first book to be published on the Theta method, outlining under what conditions the method outperforms other forecasting methods This book is the first to detail the Theta method of forecasting – one of the most difficult-to-beat forecasting benchmarks, which topped the biggest forecasting competition in the world in 2000: the M3 competition. Written by two of the leading experts in the forecasting field, it illuminates the exact replication of the method and under what conditions the method outperforms other forecasting methods. Recent developments such as multivariate models are also included, as are a series of practical applications in finance, economics, and healthcare. The book also offers practical tools in MS Excel and guidance, as well as provisional access, for the use of R source code and respective packages. Forecasting with the Theta Method: Theory and Applications includes three main parts. The first part, titled Theory, Methods, Models & Applications details the new theory about the method. The second part, Applications & Performance in Forecasting Competitions, describes empirical results and simulations on the method. The last part roadmaps future research and also include contributions from another leading scholar of the method – Dr. Fotios Petropoulos. First ever book to be published on the Theta Method Explores new theory and exact conditions under which methods would outperform most forecasting benchmarks Clearly written with practical applications Employs R – open source code with all included implementations Forecasting with the Theta Method: Theory and Applications is a valuable tool for both academics and practitioners involved in forecasting and respective software development.
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