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Found: His Royal Baby

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019

Полная версия

Could this baby be his royal heir? Crown Prince Dane of Montenevada has just heard the rumours of a secret baby of royal birth. With the kingdom in uproar, his only choice is to confront the sister of his sworn enemy – the woman who still haunts his dreams. Alexandra Acredonna has feared her precious son will be taken from her. And then Dane shows up, furious that she’s kept from him the result of their lost week of passion.He offers her an ultimatum, one that will keep her identity secret. But Alexandra wants more – a place at his side and a husband who will recognise her…as his beloved bride.The Royals of Montenevada Three gorgeous princes… and how they meet their brides-to-be!

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