
Книги автора: Николай Васильевич Гоголь

Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
"May Night, or the Drowned Maiden", 1831 is the third tale in the collection Evenings on a Farm Near…
"May Night, or the Drowned Maiden", 1831 is the third tale in the collection Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka by Nikolai Gogol. It was made into the opera May Night by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov in 1878–79 and also a Ukrainian setting by Mykola Lysenko. This story comes from the unnamed story-teller (who was previously responsible for «The Fair at Sorochyntsi»). In this tale, a young Cossack named Levko, the son of the mayor, is in love with Hanna. He comes to her house to talk about marriage and mentions that his father is not pleased with the idea, though he doesn't say anything directly and merely ignores him. As they are walking on the outskirts of the village, Hanna asks about an old hut with a moss-covered roof and overgrown apple trees surrounding it. He tells her the story of a beautiful young girl whose father took care of her after her mother died and loved her dearly. Eventually, he married another woman who she discovered was a witch when she cut the paw of a cat that tried to kill her and her stepmother appeared soon after with her hand bandaged. The witch had power over her father, however, and eventually she is thrown out of the house and throws herself into the nearby pond in despair. She reigns over a group of maidens who also drowned in the pond, but once, when she got a hold of the witch as she was near the pond, she turned into a maiden and the ghost of the young girl has been unable to pick her out of the group ever since, asking any young man she comes upon to guess for her… The most famous and inspirational works of Nikolai Gogol include The Mantle, Evenings at the Farm, St Petersburg Stories, Taras Bulba, a tale of the Cossacks, The Revizor, The Viy, The Nose, A May Night, Memoirs of a Madman and many more.
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Язык: es
Ebook con un sumario dinámico y detallado: Almas Muertas es una obra maestra del siglo XIX de la lit…
Ebook con un sumario dinámico y detallado: Almas Muertas es una obra maestra del siglo XIX de la literatura rusa, escrita por Nikolái Gógol y publicada en 1842. Gógol la definió como un poema épico en prosa. <br/> Tiene ciertas similitudes con El Quijote pues el protagonista Chíchikov junto con su cochero y un criado emprenden viaje en su troika por los amplios territorios de la vasta Rusia deteniéndose en ciudades y aldeas con la intención de comprar almas, almas muertas. <br/> En el Imperio ruso antes de la emancipación de los siervos en 1861, los propietarios tenían derecho a poseer siervos para cultivar sus tierras. Los siervos eran para la mayoría de los propósitos considerados propiedad del terrateniente, y podrían ser comprados, vendidos o hipotecados en contra, como un bien. Para contar los siervos (y personas en general), se utilizaba la palabra «alma»: por ejemplo, «seis almas de siervos». La trama de la novela se apoya en las «almas muertas» (es decir, «siervos muertos») que se inscriben en los registros de la propiedad. En otro nivel, el título hace referencia a las «almas muertas» de los personajes de Gógol, todo lo cual hace visualizar diferentes aspectos de la póshlost (palabra rusa, quizás más traducida como «banalidad» o «vulgaridad», moral y espiritual, con matices de pretensiones de clase media, la significación falsa, y el filisteísmo).
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
"Christmas Eve" (Russian: Ночь пе́ред Рождество́м, Noch pered Rozhdestvom, which literally translate…
"Christmas Eve" (Russian: Ночь пе́ред Рождество́м, Noch pered Rozhdestvom, which literally translates as «The Night Before Christmas») is the first story in the second volume of the collection Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka by Nikolai Gogol. The story opens with a description of the winter scenery of Dikanka, Ukraine, a witch flying across the night sky and the devil stealing the moon and hiding it in his pocket, first playing with it in the sky, which no one in the village notices. Since it is the night before Christmas, the devil is free to roam around and torment people as he pleases, so he decides to find a way to get back at the village blacksmith, Vakula, because he paints religious art in the church… The Christmas stories of the famous authors: Gilbert Keith Chesterton – A Christmas Carol, Lucy Maud Montgomery – A Christmas Inspiration, A Christmas Mistake, Christmas at Red Butte, Lyman Frank Baum -A Kidnapped Santa Claus, Mark Twain – A Letter from Santa Claus, Louisa May Alcott – A Merry Christmas, Leo Tolstoy – A Russian Christmas Party, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow – Christmas Bells, Nikolai Gogol – Christmas Eve, William Dean Howells – Christmas Everyday, Joseph Rudyard Kipling – Christmas in India, Lyman Frank Baum – Little Bun Rabbit, Elizabeth Harrison – Little Gretchen and the Wooden Shoe, John Milton – On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity, Charles Dickens – The Chimes, Nathaniel Hawthorne -The Christmas Banquet, Hans Christian Andersen – The Fir Tree, Selma Lagerlöf – The Holy Night, Hans Christian Andersen – The Little Match Girl, Clement Moore – The Night Before Christmas, Henry van Dyke – The Other Wise Man, William Dean Howells – The Pony Engine and the Pacific Express, Beatrix Potter – The Tailor of Gloucester, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow – The Three Kings, Anton Chehov – Vanka.
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Ebook con un sumario dinámico y detallado: Nikolái Vasílievich Gógol fue un escritor ruso. A pesar d…
Ebook con un sumario dinámico y detallado: Nikolái Vasílievich Gógol fue un escritor ruso. A pesar de que muchas de sus obras muestran la influencia de su educación y cultura ucraniana, escribió en ruso, por lo que sus obras se consideran parte de la literatura rusa. Su obra más conocida es probablemente Almas muertas, considerada por muchos como la primera novela rusa moderna.
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Язык: Немецкий
Die Geschichte folgt den Taten Pawel Iwanowitsch Tschitschikows, eines Herren mittleren Alters und m…
Die Geschichte folgt den Taten Pawel Iwanowitsch Tschitschikows, eines Herren mittleren Alters und mittlerer sozialer Schicht. Tschitschikow kommt in einem nicht namentlich genannten kleinen Städtchen an und versucht, sich schnell einen guten Namen zu machen, indem er die vielen unbedeutenden Beamten der Stadt beeindruckt. Trotz seiner begrenzten Mittel lebt er ein extravagantes Leben, um so Verbindungen zu schaffen, die ihm ein Leben mit Reichtum und Macht ermöglichen. Wenn er beispielsweise mit jedem in der Stadt gut Freund ist, kann er leichter seinen bizarren und mysteriösen Plan ausführen, in den Besitz «toter Seelen» zu kommen.
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Язык: Немецкий
Die Geschichte folgt den Taten Pawel Iwanowitsch Tschitschikows, eines Herren mittleren Alters und m…
Die Geschichte folgt den Taten Pawel Iwanowitsch Tschitschikows, eines Herren mittleren Alters und mittlerer sozialer Schicht. Tschitschikow kommt in einem nicht namentlich genannten kleinen Städtchen an und versucht, sich schnell einen guten Namen zu machen, indem er die vielen unbedeutenden Beamten der Stadt beeindruckt. Trotz seiner begrenzten Mittel lebt er ein extravagantes Leben, um so Verbindungen zu schaffen, die ihm ein Leben mit Reichtum und Macht ermöglichen. Wenn er beispielsweise mit jedem in der Stadt gut Freund ist, kann er leichter seinen bizarren und mysteriösen Plan ausführen, in den Besitz «toter Seelen» zu kommen.
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Язык: Немецкий
Dieses eBook: «Gesammelte Werke: Romane + Meisternovellen + Kurzgeschichten» ist mit einem detaillie…
Dieses eBook: «Gesammelte Werke: Romane + Meisternovellen + Kurzgeschichten» ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852) war ein russischer Schriftsteller. Er feierte mit seinen volkstümlichen ukrainischen Erzählungen Abende auf dem Weiler bei Dikanka einen Überraschungserfolg. Es ist die einzigartige Kombination der derben Vertep-Komödiantik mit dem ukrainischen Lokalkolorit und märchenhafter, bisweilen unheimlicher Phantastik, die den Erzählband zum Erfolg machte. Mit den sog. Petersburger Erzählungen wandte sich Gogol der nördlichen Metropole und neuen Themen zu: sie zeigen das Leben von Beamten, Offizieren und Handwerkern in der Großstadt, in der Laster und Geldgier herrschen und wo sich das Dämonische überall im Alltäglichen manifestieren kann. Sein Hauptwerk Die toten Seelen gestaltet treffend die teils großspurige wie korrupte Lebensart des russischen Landadels. Inhalt: Taraß Bulba Abende auf dem Vorwerke bei Dikanjka und andere Erzählungen: Der Jahrmarkt zu Ssorotschinzy Johannisnacht Die Mainacht oder Die Ertrunkene Der verlorene Brief Die Nacht vor Weihnachten Schreckliche Rache Iwan Fjodorowitsch Schponjka und sein Tantchen Der verhexte Ort Der Wij Die Nase Das Porträt Der Mantel Der Newskij-Prospekt Aufzeichnungen eines Wahnsinnigen Der Wij (Übersetzung von Lolly König) Wie Iwan Iwanowitsch und Iwan Nikiforowitsch sich entzweiten Die toten Seelen oder Die Abenteuer Tschitschikows (Übersetzung von Alexander Eliasberg) Die Geschichte vom großen Krakeel zwischen Iwan Iwanowitsch und Iwan Nikiforowitsch (Übersetzung von Korfiz Holm) Furchtbare Rache: Eine wahre Geschichte aus der alten Zeit (Übersetzung von Korfiz Holm) Der Newskij Prospekt (Übersetzung von Korfiz Holm) Das Porträt (Übersetzung von Korfiz Holm) Der Mantel (Übersetzung von Korfiz Holm) Tote Seelen (Übersetzung von Korfiz Holm) Biografie von Nikolai Gogol
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
Memoirs of a Madman or Diary of a Madman is a farcical short story by Nikolai Gogol. Along with The …
Memoirs of a Madman or Diary of a Madman is a farcical short story by Nikolai Gogol. Along with The Overcoat and The Nose, Diary of a Madman is considered to be one of Gogol’s greatest short stories. The tale centers on the life of a minor civil servant during the repressive era of Nicholas I. Following the format of a diary, the story shows the descent of the protagonist, Poprishchin, into insanity. Diary of a Madman, the only one of Gogol’s works written in first person, follows diary-entry format. Diary of a Madman centres on the life of Poprishchin, a low-ranking civil servant and titular counsellor who yearns to be noticed by a beautiful woman, the daughter of a senior official, with whom he has fallen in love. Sophie, the daughter of his boss, with whom he has fallen in love. As he said in his first sight of her, just after being a beast of a civil servant himself, “A footman opened the carriage door and out she fluttered, just like a little bird.” Nothing comes of this love he feels for her; Sophie is effectively unaware of him. His diary records his gradual slide into insanity. The most famous and inspirational works of Nikolai Gogol include The Mantle, Evenings at the Farm, St Petersburg Stories, Taras Bulba, a tale of the Cossacks, The Revizor, The Viy, The Nose, A May Night, Memoirs of a Madman and many more.
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Язык: Финский
Год выхода: 2021
Язык: Русский
""Viy"", also translated as «„The Viy“», is a horror novella by Russian writer Nikolai Gogol, first …
""Viy"", also translated as «„The Viy“», is a horror novella by Russian writer Nikolai Gogol, first published in the first volume of his collection of tales entitled Mirgorod (1835). The title is also the name of the demonic entity central to the plot. Every summer, there is usually a large procession of all the students moving around the area as they travel home. However, the group is reduced to three students: the theologian Khaliava, the philosopher Khoma Brut, and the rhetorician Tibery Gorobets. As the night draws in, the students hope to find a village near the main road where they can find some rest and food. However, they become lost in the wilderness, eventually coming upon two small houses and a farm. An older woman there tells them she has a little room and cannot accommodate any more travelers, but she eventually agrees to let them stay. At night, the woman comes to Khoma. At first, he thinks she is trying to seduce him, but then she draws closer and he sees that her eyes are glowing strangely. She leaps on his back, and he reluctantly finds himself galloping with her all over the countryside with a strength he previously never knew. He eventually slows the witch by chanting exorcisms out loud, and then rides on her back and later picks up a piece of wood and beats her as punishment. The older woman later collapses, and he discovers she has turned into a beautiful girl. Khoma runs away to Kyiv and resumes his easy life, when a rumor reaches his dean that a rich cossack’s daughter was found crawling home near death, her last wish being for Khoma the philosopher to come and read psalms over her corpse for three nights after her death. The most famous and inspirational works of Nikolai Gogol include The Mantle, Evenings at the Farm, St Petersburg Stories, Taras Bulba, a tale of the Cossacks, The Revizor, The Viy, The Nose, A May Night, The Cloak, Memoirs of a Madman and many more.
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Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
"Viy", also translated as «The Viy», is a horror novella by Russian writer Nikolai Gogol, first publ…
"Viy", also translated as «The Viy», is a horror novella by Russian writer Nikolai Gogol, first published in the first volume of his collection of tales entitled Mirgorod (1835). The title is also the name of the demonic entity central to the plot. Every summer, there is usually a large procession of all the students moving around the area as they travel home. However, the group is reduced to three students: the theologian Khaliava, the philosopher Khoma Brut, and the rhetorician Tibery Gorobets. As the night draws in, the students hope to find a village near the main road where they can find some rest and food. However, they become lost in the wilderness, eventually coming upon two small houses and a farm. An older woman there tells them she has a little room and cannot accommodate any more travelers, but she eventually agrees to let them stay. At night, the woman comes to Khoma. At first, he thinks she is trying to seduce him, but then she draws closer and he sees that her eyes are glowing strangely. She leaps on his back, and he reluctantly finds himself galloping with her all over the countryside with a strength he previously never knew. He eventually slows the witch by chanting exorcisms out loud, and then rides on her back and later picks up a piece of wood and beats her as punishment. The older woman later collapses, and he discovers she has turned into a beautiful girl. Khoma runs away to Kyiv and resumes his easy life, when a rumor reaches his dean that a rich cossack’s daughter was found crawling home near death, her last wish being for Khoma the philosopher to come and read psalms over her corpse for three nights after her death. The most famous and inspirational works of Nikolai Gogol include The Mantle, Evenings at the Farm, St Petersburg Stories, Taras Bulba, a tale of the Cossacks, The Revizor, The Viy, The Nose, A May Night, The Cloak, Memoirs of a Madman and many more.
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Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
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