
Книги автора: Клайв Баркер

Год выхода: 1985
Язык: Русский
Это истории, записанные в Книге крови. Это карта темных дорог, ведущих от привычной жизни в сторону …
Это истории, записанные в Книге крови. Это карта темных дорог, ведущих от привычной жизни в сторону неизвестности, а порой и к настоящим монстрам, которые живут как в иных измерениях, так и внутри нас. Ведь в мире Клайва Баркера против человека может восстать даже собственное тело. В нем демоны с пчелами вместо крови поджидают гостей в обычных новостройках, чудовища таятся в заброшенных зданиях, а обыкновенные фокусы оборачиваются темной и ужасающей магией. Здесь призраки возвращаются на землю, убийцам уготован свой собственный ад, а мироздание таит в себе множество опасностей и соблазнов. Это «Книги крови» – рассказы, которые навеки изменили жанр ужасов, один из самых легендарных сборников в истории хоррора.
Год выхода: 1985
Язык: Русский
Боксер Марти Штраус выходит из тюрьмы и становится телохранителем таинственного магната Джозефа Уайт…
Боксер Марти Штраус выходит из тюрьмы и становится телохранителем таинственного магната Джозефа Уайтхеда. Невезучий игрок, Штраус думает, что его ставка в конце концов сыграла и теперь жизнь пойдет на лад, но не знает одного: всем своим состоянием и властью новый босс Марти обязан партии в карты, сыгранной в разрушенной немцами Варшаве, в которой он поставил на кон собственную душу. И теперь должен вернуть долг, а тот, кто пришел за Уайтхедом, обладает воистину зловещей силой: он способен воскрешать мертвых и не остановится ни перед чем. Попав между двух огней, между пламенем преисподней и гневом одного из самых богатых людей Европы, Штраус начинает последнюю отчаянную игру на выживание, еще не понимая, к каким кошмарам она его приведет.
Год выхода: 2022
Язык: Русский
«Восставший из ада»: легендарная повесть, которую Клайв Баркер экранизировал лично, положив начало о…
«Восставший из ада»: легендарная повесть, которую Клайв Баркер экранизировал лично, положив начало одному из самых знаменитых, оригинальных и значимых циклов в истории хоррора. Все началось, когда Фрэнк Кот тон, искатель наслаждений и мошенник, открывает шкатулку Лемаршана, которая по легендам ведет в чертоги неземных удовольствий. Но к Фрэнку приходят сенобиты, обитатели иных миров, чьи представления о блаженстве не имеют ничего общего с человеческими, и теперь невольная жертва собственных желаний сделает все для того, чтобы вырваться из царства вечных мучений. «Ночной народ», также экранизированный самим писателем, стал культовым хоррором 1980-х годов, одну из главных ролей в нем сыграл Дэвид Кроненберг, а вскоре этот роман станет основой одноименного сериала. Молодой человек по имени Бун, страдающий психическим расстройством, считает себя виновным в серии жестоких убийств. В отчаянии он пытается разыскать Мидиан, город из легенд, где можно найти отпущение даже самым страшным грехам. Но вместо прощения он находит Ночной народ, странных и зловещих созданий, обладающих невероятными способностями. Вот только за Буном идет охота, и теперь он должен спасти не только себя, но и тех, кто ему поверил.
Год выхода: 1987
Язык: Русский
Когда-то на Земле жили ясновидцы, владеющий магией народ, что был древнее людей. Но более ста лет на…
Когда-то на Земле жили ясновидцы, владеющий магией народ, что был древнее людей. Но более ста лет назад они столкнулись с жуткой и неодолимой силой, которая решила их всех уничтожить. Чтобы спрятаться от нее, они соткали прекрасный ковер, который благодаря их искусству скрыл в себе и самих ясновидцев, и целую новую реальность, получившую название Фуга. Долгие годы тайны этого ковра оберегали хранители из людей. Но последняя из них умерла, не успев подготовить преемника. И теперь за обладание целым миром начинают бороться сразу несколько сторон: внучка хранительницы Сюзанна, которая чувствовала притяжение Фуги, даже не зная о ней; ее друг Кэлхоун Муни, простой клерк, который видит в Фуге воплощение своей мечты; могущественная ведьма Иммаколата, когда-то изгнанная ясновидцами и теперь любой ценой желающая отомстить им. Ее ярость так велика, что она даже не боится привлечь внимание того самого чудовища, из-за которого все и началось. Но оно придет, и тогда в опасности уже будет не только Фуга, но и все остальное на Земле.
Год выхода: 2007
Язык: Русский
Роман об обладании скрытым знанием, дающим власть над загадочной Субстанцией – первоосновой жизни. С…
Роман об обладании скрытым знанием, дающим власть над загадочной Субстанцией – первоосновой жизни. Субстанция – это море по ту сторону мира, и в нем есть остров Эфемерида, который дважды в жизни видит во сне каждый человек. «Явление тайны» – один из лучших романов мастера. Именно в нем он проявил себя подлинным алхимиком слова, сочетая вещи, казалось бы, внешне несочетаемые – мистику и фантастику, высокий поэтический строй и низменную реальность.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
The long-awaited return of the great master of horror. Mister B. Gone is Barker's shockingly bone-ch…
The long-awaited return of the great master of horror. Mister B. Gone is Barker's shockingly bone-chilling discovery of a never-before-published demonic ‘memoir’ penned in the year 1438, when it was printed – one copy only – and then buried until now by an assistant who worked for the inventor of the printing press, Johannes Gutenberg.This bone-chilling novel, in which a medieval devil speaks directly to his reader—his tone murderous one moment, seductive the next—is a never-before-published memoir allegedly penned in the year 1438.The demon has embedded himself in the very words of this tale of terror, turning the book itself into a dangerous object, laced with menace only too ready to break free and exert its power.A brilliant and truly unsettling tour de force of the supernatural, Mister B. Gone escorts the reader on an intimate and revelatory journey to uncover the shocking truth of the battle between Good and Evil.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
A dazzling fantasy adventure for all ages, the third part of a quartet appearing at two yearly inter…
A dazzling fantasy adventure for all ages, the third part of a quartet appearing at two yearly intervals, richly illustrated by the author.The Abarat:a magical otherworld composed on an archipelago of twenty-five islands – one for each hour of the day, plus an island out of time.Candy Quackenbush, escaping her dull, dull life from the most boring place in our world, Chickentown, USA, finds that in the Abarat she has another existence entirely, one which links her to marvels and mysteries; and even to murder…In this, the third volume in Clive Barker's extraordinary fantasy for both adults and children, Candy's adventures in the amazing world of the Abarat are getting more strange by the Hour. Christopher Carrion, the Lord of Midnight, has sent his henchmen to capture her. Why? she wonders. What would Carrion want with a girl from Minnesota? And why is Candy beginning to feel that the world of the Abarat is familiar to her? Why can she speak words of magic she doesn't even remember learning?There is a mystery here. And Carrion, along with his fiendish grandmother, Mater Motley, suspects that whatever Candy is, she could spoil his plans to take control of the Abarat.Now Candy's companions must race against time to save her from the clutches of Carrion, and she must solve the mystery of her past before the forces of Night and Day clash and Absolute Midnight descends upon the islands.A final war is about to begin. And Candy is going to need to make some choices that will change her life forever…
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
Clive Barker is widely acknowledged as the master of nerve-shattering horror. The Hellbound Heart is…
Clive Barker is widely acknowledged as the master of nerve-shattering horror. The Hellbound Heart is one of his best, one of the most dead-frightening stories you are likely to ever read, a story of the human heart and all the great terrors and ecstasies within. It was also the book behind the cult horror film, Hellraiser.In a quiet house on a quiet street Frank and Julia are having an affair. Not your ordinary affair. For Frank it began with his own insatiable sexual appetite, a mysterious lacquered box- and then an unhinged voyage through a netherworld of imaginable pleasures and unimaginable horror… Now Frank- or what is left of Frank -waits in an empty room. All he wants is to live as he was before. All Julia can do is bring him her unfulfilled passions…and a little flesh and blood…
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
A fabulous journey through the mind of the master of dark imaginative fiction, Clive Barker. The ni…
A fabulous journey through the mind of the master of dark imaginative fiction, Clive Barker. The nightmare had begun…. Boone knew that there was no place on this earth for him now; no happiness here, not even with Lori. He would let Hell claim him, let Death take him there. But Death itself seemed to shrink from Boone. No wonder, if he had indeed been the monster who had shattered, violated and shredded so many others’ lives. And Decker had shown him the proof – the hellish photographs where the last victims were forever stilled, splayed in the last obscene moment of their torture. Boone’s only refuge now was Midian – that awful, legendary place in which gathered the half-dead, the Nightbreed…
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
A dazzling fantasy adventure for all ages, the second part of a quartet appearing at two yearly inte…
A dazzling fantasy adventure for all ages, the second part of a quartet appearing at two yearly intervals, richly illustrated by the author. Film rights sold to Disney for $8 million on the paintings alone.The Abarat; a magical otherworld composed on an archipelago of twenty-five islands – one for each hour of the day, plus an island out of time.Candy Quackenbush, escaping her dull, dull life from the most boring place in our world, Chickentown, USA, finds that in the Abarat she has another existence entirely, one which links her to marvels and mysteries–and even to murder…In this, the second volume in Clive Barker's extraordinary fantasy for both adults and children, Candy's adventures in the amazing world of the Abarat are getting more strange by the Hour. Christopher Carrion, the Lord of Midnight, has sent his henchmen to capture her. Why? she wonders. What would Carrion want with a girl from Minnesota? And why is Candy beginning to feel that the world of the Abarat is familiar to her? Why can she speak words of magic she doesn't even remember learning?There is a mystery here. And Carrion, along with his fiendish grandmother, Mater Motley, suspects that whatever Candy is, she could spoil his plans to take control of the Abarat.Now Candy's companions must race against time to save her from the clutches of Carrion, and she must solve the mystery of her past before the forces of Night and Day clash and Absolute Midnight descends upon the islands.A final war is about to begin. And Candy is going to need to make some choices that will change her life forever…
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
A dazzling fantasy adventure for all ages, the first of a quartet.Abarat: an archipelago of amazemen…
A dazzling fantasy adventure for all ages, the first of a quartet.Abarat: an archipelago of amazement and wonder. A land made up of twenty-five islands, each one representing one hour of the day, each one a unique place of adventure and danger (and one mysterious place out of time), all ruled over by the evil Christopher Carrion, Lord of Midnight, and his monstrous grandmother, Mater Motley.Candy Quackenbush, a 16-year old from Chickentown, Minnesota, crosses by accident from our world into Abarat, and discovers she has been there many, many times before. She has friends there and she has enemies. As Candy makes her journey between all the islands of the archipelago, she will discover a plot by Christopher Carrion to block out the Sun, Moon and stars to achieve a condition of Permanent Midnight. In order to prevent this disaster, Candy must find the courage to confront the Lord of Midnight; and in doing so come to know who she really is: a revelation which will transform her own understanding of her place in the epic events.The first book of Abarat is a spellbinding adventure for all ages, combining the heartstopping tension of a thriller with the powerful charm of the most enduring fable. And beneath all, it possesses the quicksilver imagination of one of the finest writers at work today. The four books of Abarat have been rightly called Clive Barker’s Narnia, his Wonderland. A sumptuous treat that will capture the imaginations of adults and children alike.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
The horror story your students have been asking you for! The only children’s story by the master of …
The horror story your students have been asking you for! The only children’s story by the master of horror.Mr Hood’s Holiday House has stood for a thousand years, welcoming countless children into its embrace. It is a place of miracles, a blissful round of treats and seasons, where every childish whim may be satisfied.There is a price to be paid, of course, but young Harvey Swick, bored with his life and beguiled by Mr Hood’s wonders, does not stop to discover the consequences. It is only when the House shows its darker face – when Harvey discovers the pitiful creatures that dwell in its shadow – that he comes to doubt Mr Hood’s philanthropy.The house and its mysterious architect are not about to release their captive without a battle, however. Mr Hood has ambitions for his new guest, for Harvey’s soul burns brighter than any soul he has encountered for a thousand years…
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
A book of revelations. A seamless tapestry of erotic passion, thwarted ambition and mythic horror. C…
A book of revelations. A seamless tapestry of erotic passion, thwarted ambition and mythic horror. Clive Barker takes us on a voyage to worlds beyond our knowledge, but within our grasp.John Furie Zacharias, known as Gentle, a master forger whose life is a series of lies. Judith Odell, a beautiful woman desired by three powerful men, but belonging to none of them. Pie’oh’pah, a mysterious assassin who deals in love as well as death. These three are united in a desperate search for the heart of a universal mystery, and will find the truth that lies in a place as mysterious as the face of God, and as secret as the human soul. They discover the Imajica.Imajica is many things: an epic novel of vast panoramas and intimate, obsessive passions, embracing ghosts and reflections as well as the human and the divine.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
In the little town of Palomo Grove, two great armies are amassing; forces shaped from the hearts and…
In the little town of Palomo Grove, two great armies are amassing; forces shaped from the hearts and souls of America.In this New York Times bestseller, Barker unveils one of the most ambitious imaginative landscapes in modern fiction, creating a new vocabulary for the age-old battle between good and evil. Carrying its readers from the first stirring of consciousness to a vision of the end of the world, The Great and Secret Show is a breathtaking journey in the company of a master storyteller.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
A famous Hollywood actor loses his looks – and is drawn into the dark and twisted world of Coldheart…
A famous Hollywood actor loses his looks – and is drawn into the dark and twisted world of Coldheart Canyon…Following extensive cosmetic surgery, Hollywood superstar Todd Pickett needs somewhere to hide away while his scars heal. His manager finds the ideal location, Coldheart Canyon – a dream-palace hidden away in a corner of the city so secret it doesn’t even appear on a map.In the 20s, ‘A’ list stars came to the Canyon to have the kind of parties nobody was supposed to know about. It wasn’t just the wild sex and the drugs that made Katya’s parties so memorable. There was a door in the bowels of the dream-palace, which reputedly opened onto another world – the Devils’ Country – where nothing was forbidden. Nothing.With his refuge now a prison, Todd needs to get out of Coldheart Canyon. But to do that he must not only solve its mysteries but also face the powers that have protected it for seven decades, and that means stepping through the door…As a Hollywood insider with a keen eye for its idiocies and horrors Clive Barker is uniquely positioned to write this vitriolic Tinseltown ghost story. Coldheart Canyon is an irresistible and unmerciful picture of Hollywood and its demons, told with all the style and raw narrative power that have made Barker's books and films a worldwide phenomenon.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
A famous photographer lying in a coma holds the key to the salvation of the world. But first he must…
A famous photographer lying in a coma holds the key to the salvation of the world. But first he must travel back into the traumatic events of his childhood.Will Rabjohns has everything. He’s handsome, he’s rich, and he’s revered as the world’s greatest wildlife photographer. He’s also a haunted man, driven to risk his life for his art – to capture the raw tragedy of the wild, the beauty of nature’s violence.After a near fatal encounter with a polar bear, he lies in a coma. There he must relive a central childhood memory: a meeting with ancient and terrible forces which revealed to him the mystery at the heart of nature. And he realizes that if he awakes, he must confront the darkness of his past and wage a war, not only for his own soul, but for the soul of the planet and every animal that breathes upon it.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
A massive tale of secrets, corruption and magic between two feuding families – the powerful Gearys a…
A massive tale of secrets, corruption and magic between two feuding families – the powerful Gearys and the shadowy Barbarossas.EVERY FAMILY HAS A SECRETAs rich as the Rockefellers, as glamorous as the Kennedys, the Geary dynasty has held subtle sway over American life since the Civil War, brilliantly concealing the depths of its corruption. All that is about to change. For the Gearys are at war. Their enemies are another dynasty – the Barbarossas – whose origins lie not in history but in myth.When the prodigal prince of the Barbarossa clan, Galilee, falls in love with Rachel Geary, the pent-up loathing between the families erupts in a mutually destructive frenzy. Adulteries are laid bare. Secrets creep out. And insanity reigns.Galilee is a massive tale, mingling the sharp realism of Barker’s bestseller Sacrament with the dark invention for which he’s known worldwide, and surpassing both with an epic tale which will surely rank as the crowning achievement of his career.
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