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The Consummate Cowboy

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018

Полная версия

THE FORBIDDEN MAN Zach Durham could rustle the orneriest cattle, charm two rambunctious kids… and inspire desire in women who should know better. And Emily Stockton knew better. Her sister's ex-husband was way off-limits… but this flesh-and-blood, taut-muscled, slim-hipped cowboy had her pulse pounding, her heart racing and her mind reeling.She wanted to forget the real reason she'd come to his spread and simply be in his arms, live on his ranch, tend her adorable niece and nephew. But her stay was temporary. She knew it, and Zach knew it. So why was he looking at her like a man in love… like a man who wanted her by his side – forever?

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